How to deploy a SAPP cold node

trttnodes platform: Step by Step guide
6 min readJun 12, 2020

We will show you how to deploy one SAPP Cold Node on the trttNodes platform:


  • SAPP Coin desktop wallet.

Collateral amount (today = 150,000 SAPP)+ some dust for fees.

June 23 update: Actual SAPP collateral changed to 175,000 SAPP.


  • In the pop-up screen, use the search tool, type “SAPP” and select it.
  • Once selected, you will see this image:

We will come back here later, in step 3. Now let´s go to your desktop wallet.


  • Open your SAPP desktop wallet and let it reach a whole synchronization.
  • In the left vertical menu go to “Receive”, you will see something like this. Please follow the detailed instructions.
  • Now we will send the masternode collateral (150,000 actually) to our created masternode address with the name “NODE1”.
  • On the vertical left side menu, we will go to the “SEND” option.
  • We paste here the address we just copied above. The address name will appear.
  • We type the amount to send, with the actual collateral size (this will change in the future) it is 150,000 SAPP.
  • Please, type EXACTLY 150,000, forget the fees, we must type the exact amount. As we must pay some fees for the tx we should have some “dust” as balance in the wallet to pay the transaction fees, but wallet will charge it, so just type 150,000. Not more and not less.
  • Press SEND.
  • Now we wait one minute to have at least one confirmation from the network. You will know you have it because you will see a red transaction “Payment to yourself” in your wallet “HOME” option, like this:
  • In the main left vertical menu, we go now to “SETTINGS”, and once inside, we select DEBUG>CONSOLE.
  • On the screen right side, at the bottom, we will see a space to write. There we type: “getmasternodeoutputs” and the screen will show us some numbers and text.
  • Copy the large number received, and also remember the “Outputidx”. In this example, we copy the long number:


And the Outputidx is: 1


Now it is time to set up your SAPP Masternode.

We go back to the trttNodes platform. If you remember, at the end of STEP 1, we had this image:

  • We paste here the numbers we just received from STEP 2 and press “SETUP MASTERNODE”.

After this, you will see an image confirming that the masternode is being deployed by the trttNodes platform, like this one:

  • Now, in the trttNodes platform, in the vertical left menu, we go to Portfolio > My Nodes.
  • If you scroll down this page, you will see a new line with your SAPP server deploying. Like this one:
  • In some seconds/minutes (It depends on the server overload) you will see under “ACTIONS” a green Play button. Press on it.
  • You will see now a new pop-up with instructions and a line to copy. Copy it.

At the same time, you will receive an email from with instructions and the line to copy.


We go back now to our desktop PC and search, using the windows explorer, a folder with the name “ROAMING” into your PC. Once the system finds it, you will see a folder inside it with the name “SAP”, inside you will find several files. We are looking for the one with the name “masternode.conf”.

Open the “masternode.conf” file (With the basic windows notepad program or similar). You will see some example lines inside. Under such lines, just paste the string we just received from the trttnodes platform, in this case:

UMN16973 [2a01:4f8:212:000a::112]:45328 rvhejbgbRvzXRNhxeReEpCtyGPZoXRNhxeReNqCahUfXSJLty5 9347ca0473957dd4eb402eeab2eb3f092162a218f6d9aa56e74251ab3ddb7b02 1

We just paste in one line inside the file and save it.
In this example, like this one:

We save and close the file and the wallet.

Now we open the wallet again and wait to a full resync.

We select now the MASTERNODE option inside the left wallet menu. You will see now our node in the nodes list.

We just need to go to the right options (3 dots) and select START.

The wallet will ask you if you are sure, and you confirm.

Before starting the node, please be sure that your collateral transaction has at least 15 confirmations.

Once you start it, the wallet will show you a success message, and the node status will change to Enabled.



In case you get some error message in these final steps, perhaps these options can help you:

Sometimes The function “Start ” gives an IP error. In such cases, you must start your Masternode from the debug console.

Into your wallet, after a full synchronization, go to your Debug Console (as we saw before), where you should type these other options:

Option 1

startmasternode alias "" <your_mn_alias>

As an example, if the node name was NODE1, you should type:

startmasternode alias “” NODE1

Option 2

masternode start-alias <your_mn_alias>

As an example, if the node name was NODE1, you should type:

masternode start-alias NODE1

If you get an error message like “could not allocate vin” or similar, it means you probably didn’t make right some of the first steps related to the collateral transaction. Please, start again.

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Tritium is a revolutionary intermediary platform that allows for fast and easy peer-to-peer loans backed by crypto collateral.

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