Daps Cold Node setup at trttNodes

How to deploy a Daps cold node. (Updated)

4 min readOct 1, 2019

We will explain to you how to implement a DAPS cold node on the trttNodes platform.


  • Daps desktop wallet.
  • 1,000,000 + 1 Daps more.
  • 5€ in balance at your trttNodes platform Trittium wallet.

This guide assumes you have already downloaded and fully synced the DAPS Desktop wallet.


Login into your trttNodes account and press “SETUP NODE” button.

We are deploying a DAPS masternode, so we search for it in the search bar and select it.

Once we select DAPS masternode to deploy, we will see this screen:

System asks us for the “Transaction ID” and the “Output ID.”


Making the collateral Transaction.

Go to your wallet debug console by clicking F1 or accessing from Tools->Debug console and write:


You will receive an address, like this example

Copy your new address, in this case:


Now send exactly 1,000,000 DAPS to this address

Wait some minutes until you have 15 confirmations and go back to your debug console.

**If you want to create more than one masternode, send the collateral again to the same address once you finish deploying the first masternode. You do not need to create a new address again.

There you must type:

masternode outputs

You will receive a long line, like this example

{ “txhash”: “90995a27ea5c89377b5eeaf63e568addf5587426ec7c3b153e298e5272e44bb9”, “outputidx”: 1 }

This is the famous Transaction ID that the trttnode system was asking us some lines above.

So we will write in the transaction ID field:


And below it, in the Output ID field we will write in this case, just


So, we will paste the number as the image below and press Setup Masternode:

This popup will appear after pasting your tx

In some minutes you will receive an email saying your masternode is ready to start and instructions to do it.

Meanwhile, if you go to portfolio/My Nodes (Left side menu at the trttNodes platform), you will see a list of all your masternodes and their status.

In this case, our masternode is deployed. We only must press the green “play” button and instructions will appear.

This is what you will see:

You must copy the string and paste it at your masternode.config file into your desktop wallet.

The string has several parts and must be in only one line.

I will paste here the whole string received.

UMN10587 [2a01:4f8:212:2ed4::1657]:53572 876sgv9kQ4qRf3MGeJtg21EpK5Ae9jQUSJmna5Ewg8hLsJDKG5h 90995a27ea5c89377b5eeaf85e568addf5587426ec7c3b153e298e5272e44b9 1

This is what we will paste at the masternode config file

We save the file and close the wallet.

We open the wallet again, unlock it and wait for full sync.

We go to masternodes tab at the desktop wallet and press “start node.”

If you do not find the masternodes tab, you can start your node from the debut console.

There you must write this:

startmasternode alias false <YOUR NODE NAME>

as an example, if your node name is UMN10580, you should type:

startmasternode alias false UMN10580

And press enter.

If the node fails to start with an invalid IP error, please start the masternode via debug console:

Into your wallet, after a full synchronization, go to Debug Console, you will see a new window, where you should type these other options:

Option 1

startmasternode alias false <your_mn_alias>

In our example, as the node name is UMN10580 , you should type:

startmasternode alias false UMN10580

If you get an error message like “could not allocate vin” or similar, it means you probably didn’t make right some of the first steps related to the collateral transaction. Please, start again.

If you have any doubt, please contact the trittium team at our Discord.

Thanks for reading!!!!

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Written by Trittium.cc

Tritium is a revolutionary intermediary platform that allows for fast and easy peer-to-peer loans backed by crypto collateral.

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